EP iLogic – Viewer/CAD provides those projects for hardware, listed below:
[Middleware Definition]
- Arduino for iLogic Project(LibrariesiLogic)
- VirtualDevice Project
- TEPMWComponent Project
- The project of Modified Middleware that is listed in Definition.
The facility of software of declaration / Encode Declaration
Limited Middleware Extensive of specific field:
Limited, Sub-items https://dca.epoffice.org/wordpress/down ... sub-items/ (20230617)
Middleware mainly provides communication and functions (FUNC) to i-Logic CAD for hardware. To use must follow and agree those items.
[Items of Agreements]
- Add Middleware to your project. Middleware must communicate with iLogic-CAD for Middleware configuration. If Middleware dose not use iLogic-CAD to communicate, please delete this Middleware.
- When you use Middleware, the iLogic-CAD is unregistered. Do not modify any code, which is Software Source Declaration.
- When you use Middleware in your project and the iLogic-CAD is unregistered. Please add the declaration of getting place of source and add the label to About form. The label is <iLogic Middleware, Unregistered. Do not use in dangerous or illegal way.> or <聯階系統未註冊,請勿使用在危險設備與目的>. If you do not add this label to About form, please delete this Middleware.
- When you have registered i-Logic CAD, you can modify Middleware to your project & production. This user must be responsible all on derivative development self.
- When you are expired status of evaluation, please get ProductID from epOffice. (20220522)
Download Binary Code (Configure) is from Downloader of EP iLogic. When you use Beta version, those codes are for testing and evaluation. After changing to Standard Edition, EP iLogic shall display evaluation status of Download Binary Code.
When you develop on a middleware and release to business unit, please the developer must make certification of checking stable. Program memory / codes are solid and recoverable when Middleware are running.
[The limited under agreements]
- Middle-wares are only for EP i-Logic to communicate.
- Carefully use in huge machine/device.
- Do not be supporting to do attacking devices/machines.
- Add Label [Item 3]
This program is protected by Copyright law and International Treaties.
In Taiwan, when this program is used in illegal to push hurting Author/Developer of Middleware, [This Law and Treaties] are the based on the law of the Legislation and court in HsinChu County to protect and to include this EULA (End User License Agreements).
- When user want to terminate license, please this user uninstall this software. The building i-Logic documents (LCOD directory) please will be forzen in your personal computer or the user delete them self.
- When user raises [CAD item 9-E] and illegal way.