EP iLogic V1.2 & Middleware EULA

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EP iLogic V1.2 & Middleware EULA

Post by paulivan » Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:10 am


EPOFFICE: Simplified title of software group of Limited Office in which, Studio/Organization of software is (‘Legal’) in Taiwan. www.epoffice.org <http://www.epoffice.org/>

EP iLoigc CAD: One of projects in EP Office. Not be sold, rent out.

EP iLogic Viewer: One of projects which is limited of EP iLogic CAD in epOffice. This edition is for fixed and stability to viewer and analysis system.
EP iLogic Tester: One of projects which is limited of EP iLogic CAD in epOffice. This edition is for testing only to applicate, have one of registered middleware after agreement and know usable status.

EP iLogic: EP iLogic Viewer/CAD/Tester. in epOffice [EP] is twicss.

Official Executor: Occupation at epOffice, software service, application manager.

PC: Personal Computer. OS: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 RAM: 4GB up, Monitor resoultion: 1280*720 up.

Personal Edition: Personal Use Only, one PC only for one account.

Standard Edition: This version is used in workstation with multi-user.

This Software: EP iLogic Viewer/CAD/Tester.

EULA: End User License Agreement, it is this document.

building i-Logic documents: *.ilg / *.ilgt files and Middleware of project.

ProductID: The records of registering production of starting code in epOffice’s notices.

Reserved Registration of ProductID:
To prepare user's production and reserved information. User must determinate to build Product and stuffs. please make limitation to user's specific field wirte to reserved registration. After that epOffice will write of thanks message to reply document.

epOffice: Simplified title of Author of ePenguin Office in the Internet. You can visit website <epoffice.blogsite.org> <blog.epoffice.org>, to get more information.

LCOD: Layer Conception of Documents

Single: a man / a women , occupation.

Delete: To made computer's personal file be removed in directory.

User: Application Engineer / System Integration / Use Configure & Procedure
They have installed and used EP iLogic, a man has an E-Mail.
As "you" or as "he" / "she"

Public specific yield: from Legislation, user and visitor to open specific yield properly
and public news to make advertisement, will bring up user's

Executive consultant: set up limitation of [user's production user-self] only, please user report and news. epOffice is limited self in [Power, Energe,Electric] field.

Registered Identification: The epOffice has user's information about registering from register form. User please do to describle of (LCOD directory) and the drawing.

Registered Middleware:
Post and Record in WebPage-- www.epoffice.org--Registered Informaiton Page. You can not be self to post other page.

Middleware in Company and in Institute that are included the Registered Middleware.

Huge abilities of processing calculation of machine. Multi-core Up!! Currently supporting MS-Windows XP SP3 or Upper

OpenUser / WEO_User:
User works under evaluated opening status and is limited at workstation. E-mail is machine
name. It is also [WEO_User@MachineName] in standard edition.

<CAD Items>,[CAD Items]: Items of EP iLogic(End User License Agreement, Single).

Operative System: The Regulation of Automative Institute.

Virtual Device: The feature of calculation with operative system to make virtualization for physical world or for any conception before application law.

Miscellanuous File: Please not be used to basic output (I/O). That is history and tools's document for newly feature in future. User can not delete that public file when you save to directory.

EP iLogic V1.2 Standard Edition ---
EULA (End User License Agreement, Single)
[Version] 20200522
 Please select exclusive workstation of personal computer and install.
 Personal Use Only, and one of PC for user's account.
[Items of Agreement]
Please carefully read this EULA, when one user installs this software & this document that meaning this user agrees those items below and uses 'EP i-Logic'. If user do not know and agree those items, please user do not use this software and use operative
system to output any kinds of device.

1. Beta version of situation
Beta version must be used in testing and evaluation. Standard Edition must be used under term of Operative System and under this EULA. When this software is not received and assigned registration, this software you install will be Beta version to test and evaluation. Please to test do not be under [dangerour and illegal way]. Beta version please limit self with Virtual Device.

2. Exists Items of Principle
EP iLogic V1.2, Copyright 2020 ePenguin Office, Documents & Rights are Reserved. Standard Edition and Personal Use Only, the epOffice can add and fix those items listed in this document and post sub-items on Web-Site link, the link shall write more description and depend on this EULA . <http://www.epoffice.org/documents/ep-il ... r-cad-eula> <http://www.epoffice.org/documents/middleware-eul
a>, 0.1.28-7,8 is pre-release version for testing before test report.

3. Education Purpose
EP i-Logic Standard Edition provides education, researching and software development. When user uses into engineer of user's projects. This user must do certainly the safety and responsible of status of device. This software can not be absolutely to do the safety with operative defects, so this software is not responsible of this obligation of unsure operation that can damage something and this user must
response the situation.

4. Limited Warranty and Situation
When EP iLogic Standard Edition is used into business version of user's projects. To modify and to abuse damage something, this standard edition shall not be safety and not be responsible of the obligation of the damage from un-authoring modified stuff.When user find any defect and operative situation with software, please logging and mail to http://www.epoffice.org or post events, news ,let epoffice know that.

5. Evaluation, User at Workstation
When EP iLogic is unregistered, this user shall be [WEO User] that is shown at dialog, that users build the building i-Logic documents shall be bonded and no data lock at workstation loyalty. It will be shared of documents and view the content of drawing in
that workstation. When EP iLogic is registered status. Program shall record the information into documents and show the data at Dialog. User can not decode and modify those registered information.

6. Limited Registration
One workstation bonded machine has 21 times of registration of new confirmed code. Registered Identification is meaning that Author records the E-mail form the user. When one workstation have over 21 times of registration, this software shall not be
registered and then show dialog about deny.

7. Use and Status
When User uses EP iLogic and exceeds operation, will be easily unsure to be over, that meaning this license may be terminate user's device and production. With this EULA, this user must be responsible of this statue of unsure operation to avoid the damage from defects & unsure dangerous. Single License has one of Registered Middleware to development. That meaning after installing this software, user's personal computer in Institute and in Company may be allowed to applicate.

8. Registered Identification
Registered Identification of workstation, shall be noticed by epOffice (<http://www.epoffice.org> Official Executor), those users in workstation shall be shown at epOffice Web site, Those Items are *<Name>, *< e-mail>, *<Projects Name>,*<Register Count>. *<> must be record. Those information you write on register form's dialog is draft to be sent and to http://dca.epoffice.org/ . Finally By registered
user's e-mail will be handle to wirte in http://www.epoffice.org/home/ep-ilogicc ... nformation

9. Those sub- Items are description of restrictived status(A-HN):
(A) User can not to sell EP iLogic in user's production. EP iLogic is not sold. EP iLogic do not be rend out. EP iLogic software service is also status. The software source declared can not be changed and be any modified. (B) To decode assembling is not allowed. Because Software Code is stability, when user change that code will raise up and unstable to each device. (C) User do not put the software in ftp service
and downloading for everyone. EP iLogic is unique for each user, so user please keep this unique to development with your production. User also do not distribute this software. (D) User can not use unknown information of themself registering with the software, when user see unknown information in register form, please use delete that documents, and report to epOffice. please to know the registration information , please use web browser link to <http://www.epoffice.org/home/ep-ilogic- ... nformation>, you will know the really registration to documents. (E) That is using way of violence method shall terminate this licensee, and do not to use this software. Reporter will post the events and news to each licenser. (FC) User do not use in violence of military. user is not programming in violence of military.By Middle-ware EULA and <Item 9-E,Append>. (GN). User do not use at Attacking Devices or at Attacking Machines. (HN) <English: User do not use at sonar, microsound or accessing illusion of relative machines/devices. Item 9-E, Append>. <Chinese:
不可使用在 微波聲納 ,幻覺觸理, 等機器上使用 Item 9-E,Append>. epOffice will append the application of limitation by exists items to Extensive Subitems in internet to report and to notification.

10. Consultant (epOffice) and Responsibility
This software can not do absolutely safety under operative defects and when this software are found defects of program after executive consultant (epOffice), this software will do limited compensation 10 USD of first case of business project.

11. Isolation and Combine in Personal Workstation
Standard Edition include EP i-Logic Tester/Viewer into Setup File. This edition can use under one of registered account in workstation. They work together (Import Lib/Template ) and combine of LCOD to complete the requirement of project in workstation.

12. Mechanical Effective of Principle.
Mechanical Engineering , physical and motion, 1) please keep distance safety, when machine is running. 2) It is not allowed to output
mechanical virbration to air space/wave boradcast. 3) In virtual environment to build up relative motion and interaction to contorller
device (configure). 4) It is not allowed to reconfigure in each released production via radiation. 5) Follow CNS, JIS, ANSI, ISO or any
Statndard of modulization to build automation.

[Privacy and Private]
The software caculate the layer of check code to made the building ilogic document shall be bonded in workstation, so we respect user who build drawing of document and application to user's specific yield. also it is treat of yield is privated. When software service do enquirement, please just provide this software of any status and the software of information only. When enquirement ,software service
just only receive and analysis program of unsure problem (or mail log to epoffice), and shall not output to user's yield.

[Law and Treaties]
This program is protected by Copyright law and International Treaties. In R.O.C. Taiwan, when this program is used in illegal to push hurting Author/Developer of Middleware, [This Law and Treaties] are the based on the law of Legislation and court in Hsinchu country (Union) to protect and to include on this (Single User License Agreements).

[Terminate License]
The user want to terminate license, please this user uninstall this software under term
of operative system of office. When user raises [CAD item 9-E, Using way of violence
method ] and illegal way shall terminate this licensee, and post the events to news. It is
going to be mailing and logging.

Registered Middleware ---EULA (End User License Agreement, Single)

[Version] 20200521
EP iLogic - Viewer/CAD provides those projects for hardware, listed below:

[Middleware Definition]
Arduino for iLogic Project(Libraries\iLogic)
VirtualDevice Project
TEPMWComponent Project
The project of Modified Middleware that is listed in Definition.

Software Source Declaration ---
The facility of software of declaration / Encode Declaration

Limited Middleware Extensive of specific field:
<http://www.epoffice.org/documents/middleware-eula> Middleware mainly provides communication and functions (FUNC) to i-Logic CAD for hardware. To use must follow and agree those items.

[Items of Agreements]
1. Add Middleware to your project. Middleware must communicate with iLogic-CAD for Middleware configuration. If Middleware dose not use iLogic-CAD to communicate, please delete this Middleware.

2. When you use Middleware, the iLogic-CAD is unregistered. Do not modify any code, which is Software Source Declaration.

3. When you use Middleware in your project and the iLogic-CAD is unregistered. Please add the declaration of getting place of source and add the label to ‘About’ form. The label is "iLogic Middleware, Unregistered. Do not use in [dangerous or illegal way]." or "聯階系統中階軟件未註冊請勿使用在非法以及危險的設備與目的". If you do not add this label to ‘About’ form, please delete this Middleware. Getting place, that meaning is homepage URL of Source.

4. When you have registered i-Logic CAD, you can modify Middleware to your project & production. This user must be responsible all on derivative development self.

5. When you are expired status of evaluation, please delete middle-ware under Item <CAD 9-E, 10> or get ProductID from epOffice.

[Status of Evaluation & Testing]
1. Download Binary Code (Configure) is from Downloader of EP iLogic. When you use Beta version, those codes are for testing and evaluation. After changing to Standard Edition, EP iLogic shall display evaluation status of Download Binary Code.

2. When you develop on a middleware and release to business unit, please the developer must make certification of checking stable. Program memory / codes are solid and recoverable when Middleware are running.

[The limited under agreements]
1.Middle-wares are only for EP i-Logic to communicate.
2.Carefully use in huge machine/device.
3.Do not be supporting to do attacking devices/machines.
4.Add Label [Item 3]

[Law and Treaties]
This program is protected by Copyright law and International Treaties. In Taiwan, when this program is used in illegal to push hurting Author/Developer of Middleware, [This Law and Treaties] are the based on the law of the Legislation and court in Hsinchu County to protect and to include this EULA (End User License Agreements).

[Terminate License]
 The user want to terminate license, please this user uninstall this software. The building i-Logic documents (LCOD directory) will share status in your personal computer or the user delete (LCOD directory) self.
 When user raises [CAD item 9-E, Use way of violence method] and illegal way, user shall be terminated the licensee and be going to keep mailing and logging and report news.

Middle-ware in Company and in Institute --- EULA (End User License Agreement, Single)

[Version] 20200521
EP iLogic - Viewer/CAD provides those projects for hardware, listed below:

[Middleware_ICII Definition]
VirtualDevice Project
TEPMWComponent Project
The project of Registered Middleware that is listed in Definition.
The project of Modified Middleware from Registered Middleware that is listed in Definition.

The project of Modified Middleware_ICII that is listed in Definition.

Software Source Declaration ---
The facility of software of declaration / Encode Declaration
Middleware mainly provides communication and functions (FUNC) to i-Logic CAD for hardware. To use must follow and agree those items.

[Items of Agreements]
1. Add Middleware to your project. Middleware must communicate with iLogic-CAD for Middleware configuration. If Middleware dose not use iLogic-CAD to communicate,please delete this Middleware.

2. When you use Middleware, the iLogic-CAD is unregistered. Do not modify any code, which is Software Source Declaration.

3. When you use Middleware in your project and the iLogic-CAD is unregistered. Please add the declaration of getting place of source and add the label to About form. The label is "iLogic Middleware, Unregistered. Do not use in [dangerous or illegal way]." or "聯階系統中階軟件未註冊請勿使用在非法以及危險的設備與目的". If you do not add this label to About form, please delete this Middleware. Getting place, that meanning is homepage URL of Source.

4. When you have registered i-Logic CAD, you can modify Middleware to your project & to production. This user must be responsible all on derivative development self.

5. When you are expired status of evaluation, please delete middle-ware under Item <CAD 9-E, 10> or get ProductID from epOffice.

6. The Institute have public specific field will be included the Middleware_ICII after executive consulant (epOffice) or after Legislation.

[Status of Evaluation & Testing]
1. Download Binary Code (Configure) is from Downloader of EP iLogic. When you use Beta version, those codes are for testing and evaluation. After changing to Standard Edition, EP iLogic shall display evaluation status of Download Binary Code.

2. When you develop on a middleware and release to business unit, please the developer must make certification of checking stable. Program memory / codes are solid and recoverable when Middleware are running.

[The limited under agreements]
1. Middle-wares are only for EP i-Logic to communicate.
2. Carefully use in huge machine/device.
3. Do not be supporting to do attacking devices/machines.
4. Add Label [Item 3].

[Law and Treaties]
This program is protected by Copyright law and International Treaties. In Taiwan, when this program is used in illegal to push hurting Author/Developer of Middleware, [This Law and Treaties] are the based on the law of the Legislation and court in Hsinchu County for [Hsinchu Industry and Science Park] to protect and to include this EULA (End User License Agreements). Follow International State please court in Taipei.

[Terminate License]
 The user want to terminate the license at user ,please do not use middleware, and this user uninstall this software. The user of the building i-Logic documents (LCOD directory) shall delete in workstation or the user delete middleware self.
 When user raises [CAD item 9-E] and illegal way.

[Application & Export Zone/Area]
This licensee is single, please do not export in Indonesia, Vieman,

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