贊助我們 (Sponsor us)
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 4:18 pm
Greeting , Good Day
I am Ivan Perng. Welcome to [blog.epoffic.org] to care of developing of blog site. Personal Edition of EP iLogic . After downloading that you will want to be continue, you have to contact me and write mail for register form. If this software is helpful for you or any assistence, you want to sponsor us, here I write an account. Thanks of the supporting, I shall develop the stability of software service.
In Taiwan, E. Sun Commercial Bank, LTD [808]
Account: 0750-968-128622
Ivan Perng
我是 Ivan Perng,感謝您光臨 EP iLogic CAD/Viewer 部落客發展,目前 個人發展版本已經完成,因此您下載後可聯絡我,以再繼續使用的情況。如果軟體對您有幫助想贊助,這網站以下為收受贊助帳號。感謝您的支持,持之以恆繼續開發應用。
帳號 : 玉山營行代碼: 808
帳戶帳號: 0750-968-128622
帳戶名稱: 彭祥瑀
<20200219 個人有限處理,Register Form>
Greeting , Good Day
I am Ivan Perng. Welcome to [blog.epoffic.org] to care of developing of blog site. Personal Edition of EP iLogic . After downloading that you will want to be continue, you have to contact me and write mail for register form. If this software is helpful for you or any assistence, you want to sponsor us, here I write an account. Thanks of the supporting, I shall develop the stability of software service.
In Taiwan, E. Sun Commercial Bank, LTD [808]
Account: 0750-968-128622
Ivan Perng
我是 Ivan Perng,感謝您光臨 EP iLogic CAD/Viewer 部落客發展,目前 個人發展版本已經完成,因此您下載後可聯絡我,以再繼續使用的情況。如果軟體對您有幫助想贊助,這網站以下為收受贊助帳號。感謝您的支持,持之以恆繼續開發應用。
帳號 : 玉山營行代碼: 808
帳戶帳號: 0750-968-128622
帳戶名稱: 彭祥瑀
<20200219 個人有限處理,Register Form>