// This documents was sync from in www.epoffice.org and in this blogsite.
// Middleware EULA --- Add limited sub-Items
// Please read EUAL while installing EP iLogic in workstation.
// Please read Chapter 13/14 User Manual of Chinese Version.
// "(DATE)" This item was modified on that Date.
// "<DATE Status>" This item was modified for status. (20161226)
20161210 Add Sub-Item <3-13>
- <3-13> Define Registered Middleware of Chinese Fonts。
- <3-13> Registered Middleware 中文定義 <制動器軟體>。
- <3-12> <20151205 Erased>
- <3-12> <20151205 移除>
20150628 Add Sub-Items <3-9> <3-10> <3-11>
- <3-9> (20150628) , Modified & Add , Please Check it !!
- <3-10> Middleware Version , Chinese Language Define, V01 V02
- <3-11> Middleware@TWICSS in epoffice.blogsite,in which a part of projects transfer to TWICSS for business. It dose not be released, and It is telling every one that fixed project to compare the next goal.
- <3-9> (20150628) , 加註說明。
- <3-10> 中文定義
- <3-11> Middleware@TWICSS 為 epoffice blogsite (20161126) 一個專案移至 TWICSS 進行事務。 這裡討論的是為索新基方式,並廣告業務。
20150620 Add Sub-Item <3-7> <3-8>(20150628) Items
- <3-7> <20151205 Erased>
- <3-8> Please do not use un-registered middle-ware to build electric and machinery with(20150628) engineer !!
- <3-7> <20151205 移除>
- <3-8> 請勿使用未註冊的制動軟體,(20150628) 請勿使用在重電設施機械上 !!
<English> Add <3-5> <3-6> Sub-Items
- <3-5> <20151205 Erased>
- <3-6> <20151205 Erased>
- <3-5> <20151205 移除>
- <3-6> <20151205 移除>
20150410-1 <English> Add <3-4> Sub- Items
- <3-4> Do not use middleware to do attacking and to do violence human body.
- <3-4> 請勿使用 Middleware 來進行暴力攻擊身體行為。
<English> Add <3-1>, <3-2> Sub-Items
- <3-1> Before using Middleware, please link to http://www2.epoffice.org/downloading-with-eula and accept into , you will be permitted to use the information. Do not do illegal way while using middleware.
- <3-2> Do not be using of voilence method to get stuff. Do not rent out. Do not distribute unregistered middleware .
- <3-3> Define Give --- You can testing and evalutation in EP iLogic from www.epoffice.org , after evaluation please delete the middleware.
- <3-1> 使用Middleware 之前,請至網路網頁確認下載協議 http://www.epoffice.org/download-with-this-agreement ,才能夠使用。並請勿使用 Middleware 做出非法行為。
- <3-2> 勿有未取得授權進行暴力購買情況,不可租借。未註冊的 Middlware 請勿散播 。
- <3-3> <給> 的定義 --- 讓您評估與測試未註冊狀態 。 過了評估期後請自行刪除。
<English> More description
- <3> Middlewares are often used in Mechanical Engineering. When you do not have registered relative sutff. It will be dangerous while you are operating or designing.
<English> <Items 1-5 > Descriptions / Status
- After getting Middleware you develop the Func and middleware in user's device, please do the solid of code under environments and recoverable the system, when Middlewares are running.
- Program's memory and flash you must make cetification and evaluation.
- Middleware must communicate to EP iLogic, becase they use epCODE protocol including Modicon .
- When you are expired that meaning you are finished the evaluation status and the testing, please get ProdcutID from epOffice to continue use.
- When you get the ProductID , you will get Middleware Source Code to develop the device.
- 取得中階軟件之後,在中階軟件環境下您開發的函式使用在設備理,請堅固環境下的程式並可以回復狀態,當中階軟件正在執行中時。
- 開發時程式使用之記憶體需要被評估與測試,驗證系統穩定。
- 中階軟件與 EP iLogic 通訊 使用 epCODE 通訊協定 內支援 Modicon 協定以進行使用。
- 當您過了評估期後 (找到題目) 請向作者取得 ProductID 產品識別號碼繼續註冊記名使用。
- 取得 ProductID 後 您會取得中階軟件原始碼,進行開發您設備。