Add Limited Sub-Items of EP iLogic CAD EULA

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Add Limited Sub-Items of EP iLogic CAD EULA

Post by ivanperng » Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:21 am

// This documents shall be sync from in to in this Site.
Add Items from <Item 9> , those items are restricted and forbidden !!
  • ML:-- Restricted --- They are expired over 30 days , but the using violence and dis-assemble method to get stuffs and continue use of CAD.
  • Description --- Outside Taiwan not to sell, and please do not use crack and dis-assemble program to continue use, Of course in Taiwan is also status. Just use Viewer the make decision to you !! Because currently under testing and evaluation. <20151205 Modified>
<20150526-1> 增加項目 <依據項目 9> ,
  • ML :-- 禁止項目 --- 評估與測試期間30 天已過期 程式破解或是改變帳號 ,再繼續使用 CAD 請況。
  • 解釋 : 台灣以外的廣域地區使用已經過期了 , 請勿使用方程式暴力破解智財行為取得行事 繼續使用 CAD 情況。 請直接使用 Viewer 檢測是去評估您的決定 !! 因為現在是評估與測試階段。 <20151205 修改>

<2015/05/26> Add Items from <Item 9> , those items are restricted and forbidden !!
  • KM: Restricted --- <20151205 Erased>
  • LM: Restricted --- User Sell EP iLogic CAD , and the source of relative EP iLogic CAD,
    Description: EP iLogic CAD can not be sold , that we built and made the union make user join us and develop their stuffs (Get ProductID and Registration ).
<2015/05/26> 增加項目 <依據項目 9> , 加入這些禁止項目
  • KM --- 禁止項目: <20151205 移除>
  • LM --- 禁止項目: 買賣 EP iLogic CAD
  • 您必須 研究與發展產生 ProductID 行為進行申請登 解釋: 登錄過後而您可以對您登錄的 ProductID 進行 商業行為 /專案諮詢 /工業應用
M: ( Master Degree)
2015/04/02 Add Item from <Item 9-E> , those items are restricted and forbidden !!
  • JI. Use machine or device to force human body and threaten. <20151205 Modified>
2015/04/02 依據 Item 9-E 增加禁制條例
  • JI. 使用在機具設施對人身體以及精神上產生威脅等情事。
Please read User Manual of Chinese Version -- Chapter 13/14 , more description

  • Do not disasmble and modify.
  • Do not re-product to sell.
  • Do not Setup FTP to distribute self.
  • Do not Inverse Engineering. Please directly to use.
There is no people who is licensed by epOffice have source code of EP iLogic project to sell. The source code of EP iLogic do not be sold. (20170117) please when someone raise this non-authoring event of EP iLogic , mail to us !! or (Set up Item 4) delete !! ( just delete , no ctr-alt-del , because epOffice shall mail or post )

(c) Ivan Perng (epOffice), All rights reserved.
Contact author: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
請查閱 中文使用手冊 十三、十四章節。 依據 <Items 9 A-HN> 更多說明相同解釋情況
  • 請勿進行反組譯修改
  • 請勿重製相仿販賣行為
  • 請勿進行複製 自設 FTP 散撥行為 請至EP Office 網頁下載
  • 請勿進行軟體逆向工程

作者 (epOffice)並未將程式EP iLogic Project 原始碼做任何販賣授權予人
若各位發現傾向等事項請來信告知或設定狀況 (Set up Item 4) 並請刪除原始碼

Ivan Perng(epOffice) 版權所有 翻印必究 聯絡作者 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Site Admin
Posts: 140
Joined: Thu Sep 28, 2017 10:21 pm

Re: Add Limited Sub-Items of EP iLogic CAD EULA

Post by ivanperng » Wed May 01, 2024 3:08 pm

EULA –Limited, Sub-items

EP iLogic Viewer/CAD

作者: Ivan Perng (彭祥瑀)


Copyright(c) 2008-2014, ePenguin 2014-2015 ePenguin Office, All rights reserved.

Middleware V01 V02


Copyright(c) 2014-2015 ePenguin Office, All rights reserved.

Add Limited Sub-Items of EP iLogic CAD EULA

// This documents shall be sync from in to in this Site.// 此文件會與 同步

<English> <20180908> Add Items from <Item 9> , those item are restricted and forbidden !!
— Restricted Item NL–
NL: The relative of EP iLogic , the all of right transfer to other people by other contract. Description: The other contract conflict with this item, that contract is useless on this item for all of right. Because E-mail can not be changed of privilege person.

<Chinese> 增加 < Item 9> 項目,這項目是被禁止的。
— 禁止項目 NL–
NL: EP iLogic 相關軟體,轉讓或買斷所有權,簽署其他合約作讓與以及所有權出售給其他人。

解釋: 1. 若合約與此條相衝突,其他合約為無效情況。 (因為 E-mail 不可以改) 2. 需要當事人執行,執行限制項目,所以是採行授權方式。 (20230610)

限制項目: 軟體功能上使用方式,以及應用方面須做整理設定情況。如表單應用,以及 Point 設計方式。(20230610)

<English> <20150526-1> Add Items from <Item 9> , those items are restricted and forbidden !! — Restricted Item ML—

ML: They are expired over 30 days , but the using de-construction,(20230610) and dis-assemble method to get stuffs and continue use of CAD.
Description — Outside Taiwan not to sell, and please do not use crack and dis-assemble program to continue use, Of course in Taiwan is also status. Just use Viewer the make decision to you !! Because currently under testing and evaluation. <20151205 Modified>

Description: <After Evaluation> User could software serivce of document for their business (20230610)

<Chinese> <20150526-1> 增加項目 <依據項目 9> ,

— 禁止項目 ML—

ML: 評估與測試期間30 天已過期 程式破解或是改變帳號 ,再繼續使用 CAD 請況。 解釋 : 台灣以外的廣域地區使用已經過期了 , 請勿使用方程式破解(20230610)智財行為取得行事 繼續使用 CAD 情況。直接使用 Viewer 檢測是去評估您的決定 !! 因為現在是評估與測試階段。 <20151205 修改>

解釋: <過了評估期> 後您可以對您註冊的 ProductID 商業諮詢 | 工業應用 | 工商服務 (20230610)

<English> <2015/05/26> Add Items from <Item 9>, those items are restricted and forbidden !!

— Restricted Items KM LM —

KM: <20151205 Reserved>

LM: User Sell EP iLogic CAD , and the source of relative EP iLogic CAD,

Description: EP iLogic CAD can not be sold , that we built and made the union make user join us and develop their stuffs (Get ProductID and Registration ).

<Chinese> <2015/05/26> 增加項目 <依據項目 9> , 加入這些禁止項目

—禁止項目 KM LM—

KM : <20151205 Reserved>

LM : 買賣 EP iLogic CAD

解釋:您必須 研究與發展產生 ProductID 行為進行申請登錄, 登錄過後而您可以對您登錄的 ProductID 進行 商業行為 /專案諮詢 /工業應用

M: ( Master Degree)

<English> 2015/04/02 Add Item from <Item 9-E> , those items are restricted and forbidden !!

JI. Use machine or device to force human body and threaten. <20151205 Modified>

<Chinese> 2015/04/02 依據 Item 9-E 增加禁制條例

JI. 使用在機具設施對人身體以及精神上產生威脅等情事。

<English> Please read User Manual of Chinese Version — Chapter 13/14 , more description EULA 9 A-HN

Do not disasmble and modify.
Do not re-product to sell.
Do not Setup FTP to distribute self.
Do not Inverse Engineering, please directly to use.

There is no people who is licensed by epOffice have source code of EP iLogic project to sell. The source code of EP iLogic do not be sold. (20170117) please when someone raise this non-authoring event of EP iLogic , mail to us !! or (Set up Item 4) delete !! ( just delete , no ctr-alt-del , because epOffice shall mail or post )

(c) Ivan Perng (epOffice), All rights reserved.

Contact author: or Blogsite (20170204) ( mainly ) (20170204)

<Chinese> 請查閱 中文使用手冊 十三、十四章節。 依據 <Items 9 A-HN> 更多說明相同解釋情況

請勿進行複製 自設 FTP 散撥行為 請至EP Office 網頁下載

作者 (epOffice)並未將程式EP iLogic Project 原始碼做任何販賣授權予人 若各位發現傾向等事項請來信告知或設定狀況 (Set up Item 4) 並請刪除原始碼
Ivan Perng(epOffice) 版權所有 翻印必究
聯絡作者 or

Blogsite (為主)

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