Additional Sub-Items of Limitation for application middle-ware in the future.
1. Middle-wares do not be re-configured and be used in Mobile to every-product-of-user.
2. Configure system of the source do not be changed. Source Software Declaration.
3. After evaluation, please turn off communication port in any devices for any products.
4. Middle-wares do not be used non-music/non-voice of [Reserved] !!
5. Middle-wares do not be used to output our environments & Air's space abnormally.
Please Middlewares are used for Configured Device or for Mechanical Engineering.
6. User must be [twenty-four years old or older] to use middle-ware and any production of relative stuff with Facility Version.
7. User must be [nine-years old or older] to have course with teacher and with V1.1 Personal Edition.
8. How to get ProductIDs ? You have credit card in foreign or By the title of Institute, in Ruten.
9. Middleware, Not Export Area/Zone (Standard/Facility Version): Indonesia, Vienam, Hong Kong, [ Yu / Lin ].
10. User have to fill the questions after noted documents or after the training self.
11. The building ilogic document, (LCOD directory) , is Product Identification (It needs ProductID to apply for, Get ID from epOffice).
To register user's/the author's documents by ProductID.
[Version Description]
The feature of v0.2.29 will/may add Forms of limited sub-items that user fill out or check out.
.... will be continuous.
<Unsure to Hide>
(20200226) Notification, Reserved , documents & right.
(20200228) Apply for ProductID in epOffice.
Additional Items of Limitation for application middleware.
Re: Additional Items of Limitation for application middleware.
12. This licensee is single, please do not export in TOTO LINK, PC Park, Yoyo.
When user/author have license, please do deleting personal information and do not use personal information.
If you do not do deleting personal information, please delete middleware and do not use that middleware.
When user/author have license, please do deleting personal information and do not use personal information.
If you do not do deleting personal information, please delete middleware and do not use that middleware.
Re: Additional Items of Limitation for application middleware.
12. Addtional 20200713
please do not export in/to Vietman, Indonesia.
please do not export in/to Vietman, Indonesia.
Re: Additional Items of Limitation for application middleware.
please do not export in/to TOTO LINK, PC Park, Yoyo.
Re: Additional Items of Limitation for application middleware.
12. Additional , 20200727
please do not export in/to yoyo
please do not export in/to yoyo
Re: Additional Items of Limitation for application middleware.
13. Please use middleware to application with facility version,that is limited types are Industry Computer.
Re: Additional Items of Limitation for application middleware.
13. Please use middleware to application with facility version, limited types of calculation are Industry Computers.