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EP iLogic, Download Page

More Description and EULA, Please Read this page.

Date: 20230527

Version: V1.2.29-4852 Standard Edition of Personal Purpose Use

Download :  Ep iLogic Tester V1.2.29-4852_20230527

Important: Isolated projects & template.


  1. Solved, Debug copy-post lib with ReadOnly and BuildingMode
  2. Enter program need to hint the dca page and next.
  3. Add [United][Architectural] Display after Readonly from [Uniting][Architecture]
  4. After Uniting/Architecture and read-only enable will read only all of branch to operate.
  5. Solved, Debug raise exception of creating Lib while sending information to dca.
  6. Hint to Server , udp, Tested, will work fine to multi-thread of requestment , before this item it is single thread !!
  7. Add firewall rule for Ep iLogic program made  it communicate to
  8. Use Web Installer to install for operative system.

Currently Issue:


Date: 20221012

Version: V1.2.29.4825 Standard Edition of Personal Purpose Use

Download: EP iLogic Tester V1.2.29-4825_20221012

Important: Isolated projects & template.


  1. Debug Logic object mismatch of line position.
  2. Debug Point object mismatch of line position.
  3. Debug FuncName display problem.
  4. SetLength and DValueLen are useful from middleware.

Current Issued:      

  • None

Date: 20220508

Version: V1.2.29.4797 Standard Edition of Personal Purpose Use

Download: EP iLogic Tester V1.2.29-4797_20220508

Important: Isolated projects & template.


  1. Add more description and status for republic. 
  2. Show up graphic copyright at about form.
  3. Update CHT User manual PDF.
  4. Solved, LCOD Path is same with Personal Edition. They should be different location.
  5. Add more description of MessageDlg with status and confirm. Lib is not read only maybe [Lib / Republic] to confirm with user !!
  6. User have to register that will release to Lib and read-only for development.
  7. Only tester & viewer to implement, Use CAD please with Personal Edition.
  8. Please Use know tester & viewer will isolated projects & template. so they can not be extensive to other workstation development. It is well environment for security.

Current Issued:

  • It will release to new personal edition and tell republic status.
  • Modify CHT user manual page 62 to normal .. CHT Manual
  • Not Read-only of Importing from Lib shall display Building Mode is [Architecture] as default. When user have any opinions, please comment here !!


Date: 20211225

Version: V1.2.29.4640 Standard Edition of Personal Purpose Use

Download: EpiLogic V1.2.29-4640_20211225


  1. Solved,  The color setting problem, add temporary color !!
  2. Solved,  WEO_User display problem. 
  3. Solved,  Testing under Windows 10.

Current Issued:

  • None

Date: 20211117

Version: V1.2.29.4626  Update 

Download: EpiLogic V1.2.29-Update_20211117


  1. Solved, Save As Template File can not be loaded by importing !!
  2. Solved, Import a Lib will raise up  file error status. 

Current Issued:

  • None

Date: 20211114

Version: V1.2.29.4623  Update 

Download: EpiLogic V1.2.29-4611_Update


  1. Solve the exception of Redo/Undo procedure.

Current Issued:

  • Save As Template File can not be loaded by importing !!
  • Import a Lib will raise up  file error status. 

Date: 20211017

Version:  V1.2.29.4609,  CAD, Personal Purpose of Standard Edition.

Donwload:  EP iLogic V1.2.29-4609 20211017


  1. Debug, while halt program will raise up a exception.
  2. Template Reduce memory usage.
  3. Memory leak problem.
  4. MemType = 4 Procedure, to reduce the usage of memory.
  5. Debug, Confirmed code is ‘00000’ problems made
    LIB reading & loading be unstable.
  6. Update&Downloader Enable SaveBin / ReadBin.

Current Issued:

  • Redo & Undo, can not be used, will raise up exception.
  • Save As Template File can not be loaded by importing !!
  • Import a Lib will raise up  file error status. 

System Requirements:

  • OS:  Windows XP, Windows 7
  • RAM:  2048 MB
  • Monitor:  1024X728 Up !!

Date: 20210921

Version:  V1.2.29.4489,  CAD, Personal Purpose of Standard Edition.

Donwload:  EP iLogic V1.2.29 20210921,


  1. Refine registering procedure and counting / Display.
  2. Refine Register Form, Add Progress-Bar well.
  3. Tester text change back to CAD.
  4. Get Product-ID link to DCA Site – Shop.
  5. Refine ShowMsgBox function.

System Requirements:

  • OS:  Windows XP, Windows 7
  • RAM:  2048 MB
  • Monitor:  1024X728 Up !!

Date: 20210828

Version:  V1.2.29.4406,  CAD, Personal Purpose of Standard Edition.

Donwload:  EP iLogic V1.2.29 20210828,


  1. refine LCOD PATH/configuration problem with multi-account.
  2. Files *.ilgt will not be locked by program with different-account.
  3. Project file will not be locked by program with different-machine.
  4. Project file will not be limited of object counting by program.

System Requirements:

  • OS:  Windows XP, Windows 7
  • RAM:  2048 MB
  • Monitor:  1024X728 Up !!

Date: 20210425

Version:  V1.2.29,  Tester, Personal Purpose of Standard Edition.

Donwload:  EP iLogic V1.2.29 20210425,


  1. Unlock force data  during evaluation.
  2. Register Form UseDays procedure !!
  3. Change to Start Web-Page.
  4. Modify , follow bug report.
  5. Modify Respberry Pi for iLogic, follow bug report.

System Requirements:

  • OS:  Windows XP
  • RAM:  1024 MB
  • Monitor:  1024X728 Up !!

Date: 20210109

Version V1.2.29 Update#1,

Download:  EP iLogic Tester V1.2.29 Update#1-20210109


  1. Solve the registering problem and information procedure.

Date: 20201204   

Version:  V1.2.29,  Tester, Personal Purpose of Standard Edition.

Donwload:  EP iLogic V1.2.29 20201128,


  1. Add CRC  with Lib and Template files.
  2. Change “iLogic” Fold to “LCOD”
  3. Support Virtual Deivce  and V1.2 Tester EULA.
  4. Start up to Auto loading file procedure.
  5. Change Logo and add twicss to form.
  6. Change Hint sentence “Everything…” to “The field would be logical”
  7. Register document “*.odt” change to “*.doc” and version 2-5 to installsheild.
  8. CAD (Computer Aided Design) rename to Tester for Virtual Device.
  9. Lib/Republic in modified  inside of Lib. and show modified and effective lines and outputs (Change Color).

System Requirements:

  • OS:  Windows XP
  • RAM:  1024 MB
  • Monitor:  1024X728 Up !!

If user want to evaluate more time, please mail me to contact.