EP iLogic, Download Page
More Description and EULA, Please Read this page.
Date: 20230527
Version: V1.2.29-4852 Standard Edition of Personal Purpose Use
Download : Ep iLogic Tester V1.2.29-4852_20230527
Important: Isolated projects & template.
- Solved, Debug copy-post lib with ReadOnly and BuildingMode
- Enter program need to hint the dca page and next.
- Add [United][Architectural] Display after Readonly from [Uniting][Architecture]
- After Uniting/Architecture and read-only enable will read only all of branch to operate.
- Solved, Debug raise exception of creating Lib while sending information to dca.
- Hint to Server , udp dca.epoffice.org:2000, Tested, will work fine to multi-thread of requestment , before this item it is single thread !!
- Add firewall rule for Ep iLogic program made it communicate to dca.epoffice.org:2000.
- Use Web Installer to install for operative system.
Currently Issue:
Date: 20221012
Version: V1.2.29.4825 Standard Edition of Personal Purpose Use
Download: EP iLogic Tester V1.2.29-4825_20221012
Important: Isolated projects & template.
- Debug Logic object mismatch of line position.
- Debug Point object mismatch of line position.
- Debug FuncName display problem.
- SetLength and DValueLen are useful from middleware.
Current Issued:
- None
Date: 20220508
Version: V1.2.29.4797 Standard Edition of Personal Purpose Use
Download: EP iLogic Tester V1.2.29-4797_20220508
Important: Isolated projects & template.
- Add more description and status for republic.
- Show up graphic copyright at about form.
- Update CHT User manual PDF.
- Solved, LCOD Path is same with Personal Edition. They should be different location.
- Add more description of MessageDlg with status and confirm. Lib is not read only maybe [Lib / Republic] to confirm with user !!
- User have to register that will release to Lib and read-only for development.
- Only tester & viewer to implement, Use CAD please with Personal Edition.
- Please Use know tester & viewer will isolated projects & template. so they can not be extensive to other workstation development. It is well environment for security.
Current Issued:
- It will release to new personal edition and tell republic status.
- Modify CHT user manual page 62 to normal .. CHT Manual
- Not Read-only of Importing from Lib shall display Building Mode is [Architecture] as default. When user have any opinions, please comment here !!
Date: 20211225
Version: V1.2.29.4640 Standard Edition of Personal Purpose Use
Download: EpiLogic V1.2.29-4640_20211225
- Solved, The color setting problem, add temporary color !!
- Solved, WEO_User display problem.
- Solved, Testing under Windows 10.
Current Issued:
- None
Date: 20211117
Version: V1.2.29.4626 Update
Download: EpiLogic V1.2.29-Update_20211117
- Solved, Save As Template File can not be loaded by importing !!
- Solved, Import a Lib will raise up file error status.
Current Issued:
- None
Date: 20211114
Version: V1.2.29.4623 Update
Download: EpiLogic V1.2.29-4611_Update
- Solve the exception of Redo/Undo procedure.
Current Issued:
- Save As Template File can not be loaded by importing !!
- Import a Lib will raise up file error status.
Date: 20211017
Version: V1.2.29.4609, CAD, Personal Purpose of Standard Edition.
Donwload: EP iLogic V1.2.29-4609 20211017
- Debug, while halt program will raise up a exception.
- Template Reduce memory usage.
- Memory leak problem.
- MemType = 4 Procedure, to reduce the usage of memory.
- Debug, Confirmed code is ‘00000’ problems made
LIB reading & loading be unstable. - Update&Downloader Enable SaveBin / ReadBin.
Current Issued:
- Redo & Undo, can not be used, will raise up exception.
- Save As Template File can not be loaded by importing !!
- Import a Lib will raise up file error status.
System Requirements:
- OS: Windows XP, Windows 7
- RAM: 2048 MB
- Monitor: 1024X728 Up !!
Date: 20210921
Version: V1.2.29.4489, CAD, Personal Purpose of Standard Edition.
Donwload: EP iLogic V1.2.29 20210921,
- Refine registering procedure and counting / Display.
- Refine Register Form, Add Progress-Bar well.
- Tester text change back to CAD.
- Get Product-ID link to DCA Site – Shop.
- Refine ShowMsgBox function.
System Requirements:
- OS: Windows XP, Windows 7
- RAM: 2048 MB
- Monitor: 1024X728 Up !!
Date: 20210828
Version: V1.2.29.4406, CAD, Personal Purpose of Standard Edition.
Donwload: EP iLogic V1.2.29 20210828,
- refine LCOD PATH/configuration problem with multi-account.
- Files *.ilgt will not be locked by program with different-account.
- Project file will not be locked by program with different-machine.
- Project file will not be limited of object counting by program.
System Requirements:
- OS: Windows XP, Windows 7
- RAM: 2048 MB
- Monitor: 1024X728 Up !!
Date: 20210425
Version: V1.2.29, Tester, Personal Purpose of Standard Edition.
Donwload: EP iLogic V1.2.29 20210425,
- Unlock force data during evaluation.
- Register Form UseDays procedure !!
- Change to Start Web-Page.
- Modify EPMWComponent.zip , follow bug report.
- Modify Respberry Pi for iLogic, follow bug report.
System Requirements:
- OS: Windows XP
- RAM: 1024 MB
- Monitor: 1024X728 Up !!
Date: 20210109
Version V1.2.29 Update#1,
Download: EP iLogic Tester V1.2.29 Update#1-20210109
- Solve the registering problem and information procedure.
Date: 20201204
Version: V1.2.29, Tester, Personal Purpose of Standard Edition.
Donwload: EP iLogic V1.2.29 20201128,
- Add CRC with Lib and Template files.
- Change “iLogic” Fold to “LCOD”
- Support Virtual Deivce and V1.2 Tester EULA.
- Start up to Auto loading file procedure.
- Change Logo and add twicss to form.
- Change Hint sentence “Everything…” to “The field would be logical”
- Register document “*.odt” change to “*.doc” and version 2-5 to installsheild.
- CAD (Computer Aided Design) rename to Tester for Virtual Device.
- Lib/Republic in modified inside of Lib. and show modified and effective lines and outputs (Change Color).
System Requirements:
- OS: Windows XP
- RAM: 1024 MB
- Monitor: 1024X728 Up !!
If user want to evaluate more time, please mail me to contact.