Hi all
We have much effort to release EP iLogic CAD V1.1.26. This version debug many problems You can download at blog site: http://blog.xuite.net/ivan05072006/epoffice.
Debug Items:
1. Func >>> check Link Line, make it correct.
2. Line array values Problem in Line configuration.
3. decrease pointers while read from file, wirte to file function.
This version shall be closed set, down version also on. Please do not use down level 26 version, any more, and please !!. Bye Bye this version ….. w212121 2015 leave bye
Please use v1.1.29
Free edition,
300 objects ,limited only is on single system for the theory.
lighting feel as Free ….
You could write hint and registration to world !!? — draft @dca.